Batı Trakya

ABTTF submitted two written statements to the UN


ABTTF brought the issue of freedom of association and the targeting of the Turkish community in Western Thrace to the agenda and emphasised that the rule of law in Greece has been seriously undermined

The Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF) submitted two written statements to the 56th Session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council held in Geneva, Switzerland between 18 June-12 July 2024, entitled ‘‘Violation of Freedom of Association within the Framework of Restrictions on Democracy and the Rule of Law in Greece’’ and ‘‘Systematic Discrimination against the Turkish Community in Western Thrace and Discrediting and Targeting Human Rights Defenders of the Turkish Community’’.

Regarding the issue of the rule of law and freedom of association, ABTTF indicated that the Turkish community in Western Thrace, whose status was determined by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne, has been struggling with systematic discrimination for many years and that in recent years, the rule of law in our country Greece has been undermined and pressure and difficulties against human rights defenders and national minorities have increased.

Stating that freedom of association and the execution of ECtHR judgments is one of the most important indicators of democracy and the rule of law, ABTTF explained that Greece has persistently failed to execute the three judgments with respect to the associations of the Turkish community in Western Thrace, known as Bekir-Ousta and Others group of cases, for the past 16 years. ABTTF called on Greece to fully respect the freedom of association of the Turkish community in Western Thrace and to immediately execute the aforementioned ECtHR judgments concerning the three Turkish associations.

ABTTF also reminded that as a result of a lawsuit filed against the Western Thrace Fenerbahçe Culture and Sports Association, an officially registered fans’ association founded by Western Thrace Turks, on grounds that the use of the word ‘‘Western Thrace’’ is against the law and public order and poses a danger to the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of the country, there was a decision to dissolve the association. ABTTF noted that this decision constitutes a clear violation of the freedom of association and is a step taken to penalise our community.

In the second statement titled ‘‘Systematic Discrimination against the Turkish Community in Western Thrace and Discrediting and Targeting Human Rights Defenders of the Turkish Community’’, ABTTF highlighted that Greece has one of the countries with the worst record on minority rights in Europe and has not ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and has not signed the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

ABTTF indicated that Turkish MPs, heads of associations and representatives of our community representing the Turkish community in Western Thrace in our country are constantly subjected to pressure and intimidation and that the news reports in the media that steer provocation and manipulation against the members of the Turkish community in Western Thrace render them as targets.

Noting that prosecutions and investigations were carried out as a means of pressure and intimidation, ABTTF further added that Ozan Ahmetoğlu, the president of our oldest association, the Xanthi Turkish Union, was investigated and then sued.

Explaining that investigations have been initiated many times against the Elected Muftis in Xanthi and Rodopi, ABTTF explained that the Turkish community in Western Thrace and the rights defenders representing the community continue to face discrimination and racism.

In a news article published in October 2021 on newsbreak.gr, a news website based in Athens, ABTTF indicated that unfounded and defamatory accusations were made and that ABTTF President Halit Habip Oğlu was constantly targeted in the local press. ABTTF called for the prevention of stigmatisation, defamation and discrediting in the political sphere and in the media.

Please click below for the written statement titled ‘‘Violation of Freedom of Association within the Framework of Restrictions on Democracy and the Rule of Law in Greece’’: 

Please click below for the written statement titled ‘‘Systematic Discrimination against the Turkish Community in Western Thrace and Discrediting and Targeting Human Rights Defenders of the Turkish Community’’: 