Batı Trakya

Greece responded ABTTF on 240 Imams Law

ABTTF President Halit Habipoğlu: The governors of our country claim the legislation favours Western Thrace Turkish Minority despite the mass reaction of representatives of the minority

Greece has responded to the written statement on 240 Imams Law submitted to United Nations Human Rights Council by Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF). Greece, in its note verbale submitted at the twenty-second session of the UN Human Rights Council, put forth the 240 Imams Law, 3536/2007 in original and adopted with additional regulations (4115/2013) in January 2013, is a forward looking policy addressing the needs of its Muslim Minority.

Greece: Contrary to ABTTF’s claim, Greece pursues a forward looking policy addressing the needs of the Muslim Minority

In relation to the respective law (4115/2013) Greece, reiterated that regulation would enable the minority students, who decide to attend public schools, to learn the Holy Koran. Furthermore, Greece described the implementation of the legislation as such that the Muslim scholars to teach the Holy Koran were to be selected by a five-member Committee, which is to be composed of one appointed Mufti, one reputable Muslim academic and one Muslim theologian, which would ensure a transparent and inclusive procedure. It has been indicated that the Holy Koran teachers, namely Imams, would receive a steady and legal salary with social security benefits, while stating that these imams, thereby would not depend on other uncertain or unspecified sources of income. Furthermore, Greece specified that the Holy Koran teachers, namely Imams, would have the right to freely choose if they would like to join the scheme. The minority children are also referred in the statement that they could freely decide whether they wish to attend the classes or not.

Greece: “Muslim Minority is protected by the highest international standards”!

Greece claimed that the members of the Muslim Minority residing in the Greek region of Thrace are protected by the highest standards in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty of Lausanne, which established their status, the Greek constitution and the European Union acquis. While pointing out that it welcomes constructive criticism in terms of its minority policy, Greece asserted that it could not accept an orchestrated and biased campaign which brings about the subject having no relation to the facts on the ground.

ABTTF President Halit Habipoğlu stated: “Whereas the members of the Greek Parliament, selected among from the minority, the Muftis elected by the minority members and also the appointed Muftis, minority representative at local government administrations and the entire Western Thrace Turkish Minority opposes the 240 Imams Law and the additional regulation by explicitly saying “No”, the governors of our country argue the legislation favours us. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) and the European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion (EMISCO) criticised the legislation on the grounds that it threatens the freedom of religion or belief. Yet, Greece is in a persistent endeavour to pursue imposing and one-sided approach in this very vital matter, which has direct implications on Western Thrace Turkish Minority’s daily life”.

You can access the response of Greece under the following link: http://daccessddsny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/G13/117/64/PDF/G1311764.pdf?OpenElement