Batı Trakya

ABTTF at Fundamental Rights Platform

Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF) represented by Melek Kırmaci, member of International Affairs Department, participated in the second meeting of the European Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP) that was held in Vienna between 5 and 6 May 2009. Meanwhile, the meeting brought the representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in various European countries together, thus was a significant event for presenting the problems of the Turkish Minority to the attention of the international community.

Discrimination is a part of life in the European Union

2nd meeting of the Fundamental Rights Platform was formed on 2 bases. First base; the Platform made a study on the current and prospective impacts of economic crisis on human rights. Second headline in the first base was the detailed presentation of the results of the “European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS)” published by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Second base was the discussion of the NGOs’ proposals regarding the 2011 Work Programme of the FRA.

Advisory Panel will form a corporate link between the Agency and the Platform

Main highlight from 2nd meeting of the Fundamental Rights Platform is the election of the members of the “Advisory Panel” that will form a corporate link between the Fundamental Rights Agency and the Fundamental Rights Platform. For one year, nine members of the Advisory Panel will represent the Platform instead of representing their own organizations.

“The Fundamental Rights Platform was established by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights for the purpose of forming dialog and cooperation with the civil society. Thus, it is a great opportunity for ABTTF to be a part and contribute to the process.” stated Melek Kirmaci.

Halit Habipoglu, President of ABTTF said, “ABTTF as a member of the Fundamental Rights Platform has the opportunity to get a part and contribute to the improvements in the area of the fundamental rights in the EU. Any step taken by the Platform due to its mission to form cooperation with civil society will directly affect the future of minorities and migrant groups living in Europe. Furthermore, ABTTF is member of the European Dialogue Forum that established a formal cooperation and dialogue between the minorities living in Europe and the European Parliament. Thus, on two bases, ABTTF participates at EU level all the activities regarding basic rights and minority rights. 16. Term ABTTF Executive Board continues its work. The meeting of the Youth of European Nationalities (YEN), Durban Review Conference, 2nd Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting and now the 2nd meeting of the Fundamental Rights Platform…ABTTF continues to work with its young and dynamic team and management understanding”.