Batı Trakya

İskeçe (Xanthi) Civil Court rejected the case of İskeçe (Xanthi) Turkish Union

İskeçe (Xanthi) Civil Court of First Instance rejected the case of İskeçe (Xanthi) Turkish Union (ITB) regarding the restoration demand of pre-1983 legal status. Following the verdict of European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) that convicted Greece on March 27th 2008, İTB filed a suit for the restoration of its pre-1983 legal status and the first trial was exercised in Dec 2008.
Xanthi Civil Court accepted the written defense of both parties, yet postponed the announcement of the verdict. Now, rejection of the Court disappointed the Turkish minority seriously, hampering their belief that democracy still exists in Greece.

The association which was founded in 1927 under the name of “Xanthi Turkish Youth Home” changed its name to “Xanthi Turkish Union” in 1936. In 1983, name plate of the association was unraveled and the Union was shut down in 1986 after the Xanthi Governorship won the suit which was filed on the claim that “there is no Turkish minority in Western Thrace”. Xanthi Turkish Union applied to European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on February 7th 2005 following the Greek Supreme Court’s verdict. In 2008, ECHR convicted Greece due to violation of Article 11 of the European Human Rights Convention. After three months of objection period, Greek state declared to appeal the decision to High Court of ECHR in June 2008. Yet, the ECHR unanimously voted in favor of Xanthi Turkish Union and rejected the demand of Greece.

Greece insists on not implementing the verdict of ECHR

In his interview with daily Gündem, Orhan Hacıibram, Attorney of ITB, stated that they could not make a detailed explanation as they do not yet have the verdict of the Xanthi Civil Court as of yet, adding that fight does still continue. Hacıibram expressed their disappointment against the verdict of the Court since they had thought that the Court would decide in favor of ITB.

Halit Habipoglu, Chairman of Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), stated that “Despite the fact that on March 27th 2008 ECHR convicted Greece, approving its violation of “freedom of association”, Greece insists on not implementing the verdict of ECHR. We see that Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ declaration of respect to the verdict of the Court, and its promise to implement the verdict, clearly does not reflect the truth. Greece continues to violate Turkish minority’s freedom of association. Recently, in Meriç Province, Dedeagaç Court rejected the foundation application of “South Meriç Minority Culture and Education Association”, claiming that “minority” term has an ambiguous meaning. We think all these are very ironic in a country that is proud of being the “cradle of democracy”. Reports on Greece clearly reflect its bad record regarding human rights and freedom of association. Despite the fact that Mr.Hammarberg, European Council Commissioner for Human Rights, obviously criticized Greece, and unfortunately it does not still take any measure to improve the situation. Yet, Turkish minority will not give up. We, as ABTTF, will continue to present the problems of the Western Thrace Turkish Minority on the international platforms and tell the truth to international community”.