Batı Trakya

Turkey moved the issue of the Western Thrace Turkish Minority on the Greek agenda

Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, commented in an interview published in the EU- Turkey relations news magazine on January 2010, in response to the question if the opening of the Clergy School is part of his short-term program, with the issue of the Western Thrace Turkish minority and stated the following:

“The issue of the Clergy School requires a multi-dimensial process. An all around investigation of the subject is required, basing on our legislation and educational system. The work of our minister friends and our institutions related to the topic continues. But of course, also demands of our Turkish minority in Western Thrace towards Greece need to be taken into consideration. Greek Government also needs to incline to these issues and bring a solution to the problems of clergy, leadership, unemployment and issues related to minority associations.”

Erdoğan: Demands of the Western Thrace Turkish Minority should be taken into consideration

Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan, who often mentioned the problems of the Rum citizens during his expressions, stated the following: “I am not only discussing the issue of the Rum citizens, but also issues of my 72 million citizens, because there problems are my problems. Hopefully, with the process started with our democratic expansion in the direction of solving this chronic problem, which is disturbing our country, we will be able to solve the issue of our citizens belonging to minority communities. In fact, we have taken important steps in this direction the last 7 years. Since 2004, we have been collecting the issues of the minority on the Assesment Board. We managed to overcome some of the hardships related to minority foundations by passing the New Foundations Law. I also talked personnaly to representatives of the minority on various occasions, and am still doing. As you know, I recently came together with them at a meeting on the islands which was also open to public.”

Gül: If a large amount of problems exist there (in Western Thrace), you can become incapable of doing the things you really wish to do
On the day of the articles´ publishment, Turkish President Abdullah Gül answered the questions of Hasan Cemal and Cengiz Candar during the TV programm “Experiences speak” on CNN Turkish Television. President Gül raised the issue of the Western Thrace Turkish minority in response to the question of his ideas about the Heybelia Clergy School. Gül stated the following:”If very close to you, remained in an another country, your minority is living, and even though their fundamental rights and freedom are guaranteed, and they are a full member of the EU, if they still face serious problems, then you can become incapable of doing the things you really wish to do. Gül, indicating that the Heybelia Clergy School has been closed down, pointed on Greece by stating the following: ”We inevitably discuss this issue with our neighbour. There are Muslim Turkish citizens in nieghbouring countries who were left outside the boarders of Turkey when boundaries were drawn. I believe that it is not very accurate to take into consideration the issue of reciprocity, when looking at the issue of fundamental rights and freedom. I will always be generous, this is our generosity.

Habipoğlu: I invite Prime Minister Papandreou to start the dialogue process with Turkey
With regard to the issue, Halit Habipoğlu, President of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF) stated the following:In my written statement, regarding the explanation of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomeous, I expressed Turkey´s rights and obligations arising from the Lausanne Treaty and noted that the issue of the Western Thrace Turkish Minority is not only a matter regarding the field of national sovereignty. We stated that in the field of fundamental rights and freedoms not reciprocity, but a stimulaneaous monitoring process should be taken. In the early days of the new year, the comments of Prime Minister Erdogan and President Gül, support a position comfirming this. However, our country Greece had exhibited a strict attitude by stating that it will not discuss any issues of its citizens with a foreign country. We present this as a violation of the Lausanne Peace Treaty and repeat our request that Turkey and Greece need to meet at one table to discuss the issues of the minority. This process should start immediately. I invite our Prime Minister and Foreign Minister George Papandreou to immediately take action for the initiation of this process.”