Batı Trakya

Rebuilding a competitive economy for Greece was debated in Brussels

The Federation of Western Thrace Turks (ABTTF) participated in the panel entitled “Reset Greece: Rebuilding a competitive economy” which took place at the European Parliament hosted by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE). Mr. Ali Türkelli from the ABTTF International Relations Department participated on behalf of ABTTF in the panel where a sustainable rescue program was discussed along with new opportunities for a new foundation of the Greek State.

Commissioner Olli Rehn: The level of unemployment worries us

EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn explained that the EU has agreed to be more flexible and the private sector will contribute to the solution. Rehn stated that what he finds really worrying is the unemployment rate in the country. Michalis Chrisochoidis (Minister of Regional Development, Competitiveness and Shipping) who spoke in the same panel said they have to find a solution to this crisis: “We need to find a solution, we need to succeed and we will because we are fighters and we are fighters of change” explaining that there are 3 dimensions to change being political, economic and social. Vice-President of the European Investment Bank Plutarchos Sakellaris stated that the challenge is to succeed with the structural reforms and the growth to come with these reforms can only be expected in the medium term; however the main question he said was what had to be done in the short term.

The administration has been weak, the underground economy is enormous

In the second session of the panel entitled “towards a sustainable economic recovery program” EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn said that the administration in Greece has been weak and there is need to change certain laws in Greece in order to ‘reset’ it. MEP Wolf Klinz who spoke in the same session said that the administration is considered unreliable due to corruption, there is need for an effective tax collection system and the underground economy which is enormous has to be dealt with.

Dora Bakoyannis: Greece needs a coalition government in order to overcome the crisis

Dora Bakaoyannis, leader of the Democratic Alliance for Greece spoke in the third session on opportunities for a new foundation of the Greek State and stressed three problems being political, mentality and corruption. Bakoyannis stated that they had spent more then they produced because it was politically possible and the system was happy to keep the people content by letting them spend more than they produced. Secondly she explained, they taught people that this was a nice way to proceed. The third problem was corruption she said and in order to deal with these problems Greece needs, first time in her history, a coalition government with realists and Pro-Europeans.
Rehn: “It is no secret that within the single market we are not fans of free trade zones”

During the question and answer session following his speech, EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs was addressed a question by ABTTF on The Economic Forum for Thrace’s application for a free trade zone in Thrace. Rehn explained that it was no secret that they are not fans of a free trade zone within the single market. He continued by saying that such a proposal should be checked at the very early stages and found out whether it is compatible with EU rules and regulations.

Chrisochoidis: The region paid the cost of the transfer of funds from Greece to other countries

The second question posed by ABTTF was addressed to Greek Minister Michalis Chrisochoidis on whether the new rebuilding of Greece’s economy is being restructured through new investments could be a good opportunity to invest in Western Thrace as it is considered to be among the least developed regions within the EU and what would his government’s policy be. Minister Chrisochoidis replied there have been many funds available to the region in the 1980s and 1990s and that they are trying to attract new investments to the region. He said that they are trying to restructure the area by supporting manufacturing and growth.

President Habipoğlu: “We are able to make ourselves heard directly; we can ask our questions directly. This is a very significant success”

Mr. Halit Habipoğlu, President of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe has issued the following statement: “It is very important to be able to attend to a panel with top-level participants and be able to pose questions directly in such a forum. This was possible with the establishment of the ABTTF Brussels Office. We, as Western Thrace Turks can make ourselves heard without anyone in between. We are able to pose direct questions similar to those of our MPs in the Greek Parliament on issues concerning us, addressed to the minister and EU Commissioners.”