Batı Trakya

A controversial bill with additional amendments, in others words “240 Imams Law” has been adopted by the Greek Parliament

ABTTF President Halit Habipoğlu: The adoption of the bill has once again proven Greece ignore the will and presence of the Western Thrace Turkish Minority

The Law 3536/2007 together the additional adjustments, named as “240 Imams Law” by the Western Thrace Turkish Minority, has been voted on 16 January 2013 and adopted with overwhelming majority of the Greek Parliament. According to the adopted bill, the 240 Muslim clerics (Imams) are to be elected by a commission composed of five Orthodox-Christian officials and serve their duty as state officials under the supervision of “appointed muftis”. The additional adjustments to the bill suggest that from now on the imams are going serve their duty not only in the mosques but also through the classes on religion at public schools.

Ahmet Hacıosman, the Turkish deputy from Rodopi Prefecture of PASOK and Ayhan Karayusuf, the Turkish deputy from Rodopi Prefecture of SYRIZA and Hüseyin Zeybek, the Turkish deputy from Xanthi Prefecture of SYRIZA, voted ‘No’ for the bill in Plenary session. During the discussions held on the nature of the additional adjustments, Panayotis Iliopoulos, Golden Dawn deputy verbally insulted the PASOK Deputy Ahmet Hacıosman and blamed him of being ‘Turkish spy’. Golden Dawn political group spokesman Christos Pappas stated that they would pay special attention on curtailing Turkish minority deputies’ entry to the Greek parliament in the next elections.

ABTTF President: Following the election of Golden Dawn to Greek Parliament, the political discourse towards Western Thrace Turkish Minority has reached to brutal tendencies, including verbal assult and insults

Upon the adoption of the bill, Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF) President Halit Habipoğlu brought forth: ‘The legislation 3536/2007 was annexed with additional adjustments and adopted without any consultation to Western Thrace Turkish Minority despite reaction of minority deputies and minority representatives. Further to this, following the election of Golden Dawn to Greek Parliament, the political discourse towards Western Thrace Turkish Minority has reached to brutal tendencies, including verbal assult and insults. The verbal assult to Turkish deputy Ahmet Hacıosman is an outstanding example on the change of political attitude. ABTTF condems the Golden Dawn for its statement that in the next elections they will work for curtailing Turkish minority deputies’ entry to the Greek parliament and calls the Greek Government to correct its mistake led by ignoring the reaction of the Western Thrace turkish Minority.’

* Photo: www.milletgazetesi.gr