Batı Trakya

Doctoral thesis on the Turkish minority of Western Thrace

Antigoni Papanikolaou writes her doctoral thesis in Social Anthropology on the Turkish minority in Western Thrace at the Sussex University in Brighton(UK).

Antigoni Papanikolaou graduated from the University of Thrace in Komotini/Gümülcine. During her studies in Komotini/Gümülcine she did not have any contacts to Turks in Western Thrace. Therefore she wrote her final paper on the Turks in Western Thrace in order to get to know our minority. Afterwards she achieved her university degree at the university of Sussex on the topic “problems of identity of the Turkish minority of Western Thrace”.

At the same university Antigoni Papanikolaou now writes her doctoral thesis on the theme: “minority rights and claims of a minority regarding the right on own identity on the example of the Turkish minority of Western Thrace.“

Right now she carries out field studies at the spot by interviewing representatives of the minority in Komotini/Gümülcine. The ABTTF chairman Halit Habipoðlu, who was in Komotini/Gümülcine preparing himself for the conference of the "World Urban Forum" of the UN-Organisation HABITAT in Barcelona, talked to Antigoni Papanikolaou. He gave her information on the role of the community of the Turks of Western Thrace in Europe in the struggle for the rights of the Turkish minority in Western Thrace, as well as on the hitherto development on the activities of the ABTTF and its membership associations.