Batı Trakya

ABTTF attended OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting

ABTTF and WTMUGA gave voice to problems Western Thrace Turkish Minority encoun-ters on several grounds

Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF) participated at 2013 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) organised by the OSCE Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in 24-27 September 2013. At HDIM annual meeting, Western Thrace Turkish Mi-nority was represented by ABTTF Board member Dr. Sebahattin Abdurrahman, ABTTF International Affairs Director Melek Kırmacı Arık, Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association (WTMUGA) Board member Dilek Osman and WTMUGA member Dr. Ali Hüseyi-noğlu.
Greece: Tension is on rise!
ABTTF International Affairs Director Melek Kırmacı, at her speech in the session on tolerance and non-discrimination on 24 September, pointed out Western Thrace Turkish Minority has been a tar-get of the extreme right, which is on rise in Greece especially following Golden Dawn’s election to the Hellenic Parliament. ABTTF called on the Greek government to adopt effective measures, in-cluding the suspension of Golden Dawn, in view of fighting against extremism.
WTMUGA member Dr. Ali Hüseyinoğlu informed on hate motivated attacks to Muslim worship establishments and cemeteries in the region and noted that perpetrators of the attacks are not re-ported therefore, not prosecuted.
Media freedom is threatened!
At the session on media freedom, ABTTF Board member Dr. Sebahattin Abdurrahman told Gündem and Millet v. Hara Nikopoulou case and said the fine charges to Gündem and Millet dailies are disproportionate. Abdurrahman contended fines for compensation of defamation cases shall not be in undermining nature of a pluralistic media. WTMUGA Board member Dilek Osman in-formed on the media law adopted in 2007 and provided an analysis on the respective law by indicating broadcasting stations operating in Xanthi and Komotini face severe difficulties in order to meet the requirements introduced by new legislation.
Greek authorities responded minority representatives and claimed fines charged to Gündem and Millet dailies as compensation at the defamation case are in line with each case’s special condition born in general national legislation. Greece noted the fines in question are determined according to proportionality principle; moreover the trial of respective dailies is still ongoing in national court.

The Mufti Question and “240 Imams Law”
WTMUGA member Dr. Ali Hüseyinoğlu, referring to the Mufti question, attested the minority is deprived of the right to determine its own religious leaders. WTMUGA furthermore, reiterated that instead of recognising the religious leaders elected by the minority itself, Greece appoints official re-ligious leaders and assigns them the duties of Mufti.
ABTTF International Affairs Director Melek Kırmacı reported on “240 Imams Law”, a recent regulation (4115/2013) adopted with amendments in 2013, initially drafted in 2007, foresees ap-pointment of 240 religious scholars to be assigned serve duty in mosques and public schools in Western Thrace.
ABTTF underlined that the respective regulation is a new intervention in Western Thrace Turkish Minority’s rights in terms of religious freedom.
At this stage, Greece responded the legislation 4115/2013 the number of minority children attend-ing to public schools is continuously increasing and offering Qur’an courses in these schools to minority children is prone to good outcomes. Further to this, Greece affirmed that the regulation does not touch upon the status of Imams, who are appointed in line with Islamic rules and Muslim minority’s traditions. Regarding the appointment of Muftis, Greece claimed given the judicial com-petence of Muftis in civil and family law applying to Muslim minority, state assumes the right to choose Muftis. In addition, it is communicated that Athens is working on new elements which would enable rather transparent and pluralistic procedure for the selection of Muftis.
No green light to associations with name “Turk”!
Greece does not execute European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) Decisions
At the session on freedom of association, WTMUGA Board member Dilek Osman brought up the problem Western Thrace Turkish Minority and uncovered the issue with a comparison that while the other minorities are allowed to assembly and establish associations in line with their ethnic background, associations founded by Western Thrace Turkish Minority and including the word “Turk” in their titles are suspended and not authorised for re-establishment.
ABTTF Board member Dr. Sebahattin Abdurrahman informed on developments following ECtHR decisions and said since 2008 the ECtHR decisions are not executed. Having noted that despite the five years elapsed after the ECtHR decisions no concrete steps were taken by Greece, Abdurrah-man called on Greek authorities to urgently execute ECtHR decisions.
Upon these remarks, Greece responded Greek law of criminal procedure does not provide way for direct implementation of the ECtHR decisions yet the efforts to implement the decisions of the ECtHR are ongoing. In addition, Greece noted that the three associations, previously suspended, still perform their activities without any intervention. Having underlined many associations founded by minority members in the region and bearing the word “minority” in their names are present and freely exercising their activities.