Batı Trakya

Two obscene attacks on a mosque and a masjid on the same day in Komotini!

ABTTF President Halit Habip Oğlu: Since both of the attacks were carried out on the same day and at the same hours, it reinforces the suspicion that these were a threat-oriented provocation

A mosque and a masjid belonging to the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace in Komotini, Greece were attacked. According to the daily Birlik, the Mahmutağa mosque in the Komotini’s district Yenice was set on fire by an unidentified person or persons in the morning face on Friday, April 17, 2015. As a result of the arson attack, a fire broke out at the mosque’s entrance, but thanks to the fire brigade operation did not spread to the other parts of the mosque and to the minority primary school next to it.

Again at the same hours, there was another attack on a masjid (small mosque) in the Alankuyu district of Komotini. An unidentified person or persons uprooted ten cypress trees around the masjid and destroyed a grave stone.

“We strongly condemn the attacks on a mosque and a masjid in different districts of Komotini. Such obscene attacks directed against our religion are in no manner acceptable. Since both of the attacks were carried out on the same day and at the same hours, it reinforces the suspicion that these were a threat-oriented provocation. We wish these obscene and hate motivated attacks would not set the thames on fire among our society, and call upon our minority to avoid such provocations and keep its calmness.” stated Halit Habip Oğlu, President of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF).