Batı Trakya

Mitsotakis: There can be no equitable development unless the rule of law is implemented


ABTTF President: “I agree with Mitsotakis, it is not possible to create a fair society, equitable development and equal democracy unless the rule of law is implemented as a whole. For this reason, I reiterate our call without hesitation. Our country Greece must put an end to the violation of our freedom of association and execute the ECtHR judgments immediately and fully.”

The Prime Minister of our country Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis made a statement regarding the report titled ‘‘Implementing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention: Phase 4 Follow-up report on Greece’’ published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on 25 June 2024, where he indicated that there cannot be a fair development as long as the rule of law is not applied. 

Mitsotakis pointed out that 38 of the 49 recommendations made to Greece in the OECD report, which evaluates the progress made in many topics, including the fight against corruption, freedom of the press, public health, and the challenges of climate change, have been implemented and said that they are moving in the right direction.

Furthermore, Mitsotakis underlined that the OECD report confirms their belief that it is not possible to talk about the fair development of the economy without a correct, fast functioning rule of law, institutions, laws and justice based on international standards. In this respect, Mitsotakis added that the legal and political initiatives taken by Greece to improve the rule of law are the right ones in its quest to become an internationally attractive economy. 

ABTTF President Halit Habip Oğlu made the following statement: ‘‘We believe that the statements made by our Prime Minister Mitsotakis indicating that there cannot be a fair development unless the rule of law is rapidly implemented are very important. We know that the rule of law is the guarantee of democracy and human rights in a country. I would like to remind that the OECD report recommends further strengthening the Charter of Ethics for judges and prosecutors in civil and criminal justice and the Code of Ethics for members of government, emphasising the true independence of the judiciary from the executive. In this regard, in three cases where our freedom of association has been violated, known as the Bekir-Ousta group of cases, the ECtHR judgements have been pending to be executed in our country for the past 16 years, but our country has persistently failed to execute these judgements and has taken steps to prolong the process. I agree with Mitsotakis, it is not possible to create a fair society, equitable development and equal democracy unless the rule of law is implemented as a whole. For this reason, I reiterate our call without hesitation. Our country Greece must put an end to the violation of our freedom of association and execute the ECtHR judgments immediately and fully.”

*Image: www.anadoluimages.com