Batı Trakya

The suffering of the tobacco producers doesn’t go to an end

Press Bureau of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF)-
Witten, 14 June 2005

Press Release:

The suffering of the tobacco producers doesn’t go to an end

The President of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), Halit Habiboglu, evaluated the deterioration of the economic conditions of the Western Thrace Turkish minority in the last months, of which 90% live on the tobacco production, and said: “Our producers should not be left to the arbitrary justice of merchants.”

Mr. Habiboglu evaluated the tension grew among the Turkish minority because of further lowering of the minimum prices by the common initiative of the tobacco merchants in the last days, which have already been low, and said: “Tobacco production is the main means of subsistence of the Turkish minority in Greece, and 15 thousand families are direct tobacco producers. When the ones, who join to the later levels of the production process are also considered, 90% of the minority economy maintains its livelihood through tobacco production. For many years, we have faced difficulties in realizing our basic production activity. Driving licence for tractor was not given us, in order that we could not plough our fields, or our lands were taken away from us through the pretext of confiscation. However, developments have been noticed in the last 15 years through the pressures coming from the European Union. Especially in the post-earthquake period, we hoped that an environment of mutual good will and understanding would have begun to form. In spite of this, we observe regrettably that our country Greece could not have reached the sufficient competence in many fields yet. According to the news we have got, the payment and the minimum price applied to the producers in the regions in the Western Thrace, where the Turks don’t live, are two times of the payment the minority producers get. Our people are being left to the arbitrary justice of the merchants at the expense of selling their production for almost nothing.” Mr. Habiboglu continued his words by underlying their wish that the issue should be approached with good will, and they did not seek an evil intent, and said: “As loyal citizens to their country, who pay their taxes and do their military service, the only thing we want that our country Greece, and European Union do not neglect us, when they form their economy policies.” ABTTF President stated further that at their visits to the European institutions, which would be realized in the following days, they would bring the economic conditions of the minority in front of them, too.