Batı Trakya

Blow to the Friendship

Press Office of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), Witten – 05.10.2005

Press release

Blow to the Friendship

The positive developments in relations between Turkey and Greece and the increasing dialog between the communities are pleasing, however the latest incident that Erol Kasifoðlu ,the President of the Solidarity Association of Western Thrace (BTTDD), was not let into Greece and made to return back from the Border of Kipi as he was travelling with a delegation from the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, had raised attention.

Starting with the eartquakes, the friendship connections between Turkey and Greece have been getting stronger, the traffic of delegations visiting each other getting denser and even Turkey’s membership to the EU is being supported by Greece, a country who has considered Turkey as its enemy for long years, whereas repetition of some incidents, which were thought to belong to past are creating worries. Such an incident has happened to Erol Kasifoglu, the President of the Solidarity Association of Western Thrace (BTTDD), who was accompanying Muharren Keçeli during his visit to the Western Thrace; he was not allowed to enter Greece.

Kasifoglu, who was expelled from Greek citizenship in 1987 with a decision, refering to the article 19 of the Greek Citizenship Law, had entered Greece many times with a Schengen visum, however was blocked at his last attempt. According to the information provided by BTTDD authorities, Kasifoglu has been issued a document that states he is disturbing the internal security of the land, his entrance stamps were canceled and became the first director to be declared unwanted when on charge. In the past, Selahattin Yýldýz, Tahsin Salihoðlu, Halit Eren, Taner Mustafaoðlu ve Burhaneddin Hakgüder, all names of previous directors of BTTDD, weren’t permitted to enter Greece with the same justification.

Western Thrace Turks are the bridge to peace

Rating the incident as unpleasent, the President of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks of Europe (ABTTF) stated the necessity of an immediate redress of this grievance and added: “Western Thrace Turks are the bridge to peace between Greece and Turkey. Each of the Western Thrace Turks’ organizations, which are active in Western Thrace, Turkey, Western Europe or even in U.S. and Australia are working with this consciousness. Such threatments, which exlude us from the dialog and friendship environment, mean to burn the bridges. Greece’s attitude towards such positive attempts of Western Thrace Turks are depressing us.” The Western Thrace Turks have been making strenuous efforts on such dialog attempts. Beside the delegations and regional dance groups sent to the festivals in Western Thrace, this year mayor of a Greek city took part in the festivities which were organized by the BTTDD’s Bursa affiliate. Thereafter, mayor of the city of Topiros, Mr. Hacievangelou was targetted heavily by the Greek press.

Drawing attention to the fact that unpleasant incidents such as what Kaþifoðlu went through, presents actual opportunities that can lead to the environment of friendship and dialog, Habipoðlu said: “What to Mr. Kaþifoðlu happened, had been happening often to Westen Thrace Turks in Turkey as well. Their connection to their land, Greece, where they were born and have grown up and where their families, relatives and friends live, was wanted to be cut. Therefore, we are demanding the return of the citizenship rights of our people, which were taken away refering to the 19th article. As a compansation of the unjust made to Mr. Kaþifoðlu, the Greek government should show its bona fides and give the Western Thrace Turks the right to enter their land without the requirement of a visum.