Batı Trakya

ABTTF participated OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting on freedom of expression

The Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF) participated in Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting held between 3-4 July 2014 in Vienna by Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). At the meeting on “Promotion of Freedom of Expression: Rights, Responsibilities and the OSCE Commitment”, Turkish Minority of Western Thrace Turks were represented by ABTTF International Affairs and Lobby Group members Funda Reşit and Fatih Hafızmehmet, Director of Culture and Education Foundation of Western Thrace Minority (C.E.F.O.M.), European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion (EMISCO) Member of Board Directors Pervin Hayrullah and Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association (BTAYTD) Member and Vice-President of the Xanthi Turkish Union Aysel Homko.

The freedom of expression is being violated contrary to the constitutional provisions of international instruments

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic made an opening speech at the meeting and underlined the importance of media freedom within the scope of freedom of expression and criticized the restriction of media freedom in some OSCE participating states. Speaking in the first session of freedom of expression, Pervin Hayrullah said that freedom of the press and expression are violated by state authorities in Greece contrary to the requirements of international instruments and the Constitution. Hayrullah added that a journalist belonging Western Thrace Turkish Minority was threatened in the presence of lawyers because of specifying the minority as “Turkish”. She noted that provisions of Law 3592/2007 were too heavy for the small-scale minority press and expressed financial and legal pressures for minority and further noted the pressure against minority press.

Existing media law threatens media pluralism

Speaking at the same session, ABTTF International Affairs and Lobby Group member Funda Reşit voiced the fines given by Radio and Television Council of Greece which imposed to minority radio stations on the ground that they did violated the minimum requirement for transmission in Greek. Furthermore, Funda Reşit underlined that 150 thousand and 120 thousand euros fines were given to Millet and Gundem newspapers in the case of Hara Nikopoulou and noted that those newspapers applied to the Supreme Court. In its right of reply, Greece stated that many media outlets in Western Thrace broadcast freely and the radios and noted that newspapers which were received fines by legal courts because of their violation of the relevant law.

The associations which bear the word Turkish in their names were closed and Turkish is banned in public places

Speaking at the second session of meeting, Aysel Homko said that she was the Vice President of Turkish Union of Xanthi which was closed down because it had the word Turkish in its name. Homko continued that a journalist belonging to the Turkish Minority was not allowed to make his speech in Turkish in a conference held in November 2013 in Komotini, although there was an official Turkish interpreter in the hall. Furthermore Homko stated that the Director of Komotini State Hospital banned the doctors and patients to speak Turkish among themselves. Homko, underlined that Greece continues to violate freedom of expression of Western Thrace Turkish Minority.

Mustafa Cahit was arrested three times because he supported Western Thrace Turkish Minority political party!

Speaking at the same session, ABTTF International Affairs and Lobby Group Member Fatih Hafızmehmet noted that Friendship, Equality, Peace (FEP) Party run for the European Parliament elections for the first time as representative of Western Thrace Turkish Minority in the political field with the slogan “Europe Europe hear our voice”. Hafizmehmet called attention to the news and reviews on the national media and press before European Parliament elections, and noted that the perception of FEP Party’s success in the EP election proved that the Turkish minority was still perceived as “other”.

He noted that a Turkish teacher named Cahit Mustafa was arbitrarily arrested three times for making FEP Party’s propaganda before the European Parliament elections in Rhodes. Hafızmehmet underlined that this situation was condemned by FUEN which asked Greek government to respect every citizen’s freedom to choose and express its political opinion freely. In its right of reply, Greece claimed that the country obeyed the international agreements regarding the Western Thrace Turkish Minority. When asked about FEP Party’s participation in the European Parliament elections, Greece answered that it would be more accurate to talk about it at more specific platforms, although the issue related to the subject of the meeting.

Greece does not tolerate non- governmental organizations to be named Turkish!

At the last session, Pervin Hayrullah said that fundamental human right of freedom of expression is intertwined and banning of one affects the other. She indicated that civil society had an important role in promoting democratic values, but she underlined that Greece had no tolerance to civil society organizations to be named ethnically.