Batı Trakya

ABTTF is calling European Council Parliamentary Assembly to duty

Witten – 13.12.2005

Press Release

ABTTF is calling European Council Parliamentary Assembly to duty for Victims of Greek Citizenship Law with Postcard Campaign

Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), is calling European Council Parlia-mentary Assembly to duty for the restoring the rights of over 80 thousands people who were victims of the 19th Article of Greek Citizenship Law.

The campaign will be executed in three ways; postcards and e- mails will be sent to European Council Parliamentary Assembly and simultaneously the signature campign will be given start throughout Europe.

Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), speeds up its project’s tempo called “Victims of Article 19”. In the framework of the project, ABTTF has created a data bank of the victims. During the new phase of the project, it is planned to initiate postcard, e- mail campaigns as well as presenting the signatures that will be collected throughout Europe to activate European Council Parliamentary Assem-bly.

it is written as on the front page of the postcards;

Mr. René van der LINDEN
President of Parliamentary Assembly,

Throught the Art. 19 of the Greek Citizenship Bill, which had been effective from 1955 till 1998, over 80 thousand Turks whose “only fault” is that they are not of Greek race, have been deprived of their Greek citizenship through administrative decisions.

Since the injured parties had not been notified of the decisions taken, these decisions were coming to know after years by chance. In the meantime, since the period of time to commence an adminis-trative suit had already expired, a judicial resolution could not be maintained.

Although theconcerning Article has already been abolished, the injured parties welcome one more new year again away from their home and with great sadness, since their citizenship has not been repatriated yet.

I believe that a political solution can be actualised under the framework of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, of which current president is your person. I am looking forward to your support in order that the people, who have been made alienated to their homelands, are able to wel-come the following new year happily and gaily.

I congratulate your new year with my sincere wishes, and wish the new year would bring the hu-mankind love, peace and ease.

Yours sincerely

There follows the name – surname part that is to be filled by the sender on the back side. It is also pos-sible to send the same postcard, that is in English prepared, via e-mail by visiting the internet web site of ABTTF . (www.abttf.org)

Together with the postcard and e-mail campaigns, a signature campaign is initiated that comprises the Minority Unions in Europe, Western Europe, Western Thrace and Western Thrace Associations in Tur-key. The campaign will continue until 1 March 2006 and the signatures collected will be presented to the President of European Council Parliamentary Assembly at its first meeting by ABTTF and support will be demanded from the Council to cure the injustices of the Greek Citizenship Law that the Western Thrace Turkish minority have faced

The signature campaign forms can be obtained from the center office of ABTTF in Witten or as well from the Federation formal internet web site. (www.abttf.org)