Batı Trakya

Comments of Yannis Valinakis, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, about Western Thrace Turkish minority

Yannis Valinakis, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, responded the motion of Andreas Loverdos, PASOK’s person in charge for Foreign Affairs, about the activities of the Turkish Consulate in Thrace. Valinakis stated that Greece strictly implemented “equal rights” and “equality before law” principles for all of her citizens in Western Thrace, adding that that policy was being implemented in accordance with Lausanne Treaty’s related conditions. Thus, Valinakis underlined that rights of Western Thrace Muslim minority were under the guarantee of Greek state. In addition, Valinakis told that Greece laws involved special executions in accordance with European Convention on Human Rights and values of European Union which were in favor of Western Thrace Muslim minority.

At his first response, Valikanis stated that Muslim minority members had the opportunity to participate national and local politics, speak their mother language, and exercise their religious duties. Furthermore Valikanis added that Greece had a proved intention to put the development of Thrace region on top of the priorities list, adding that development should be achieved regardless of cultural and ethnic differences. Modern European minority policy which was purified from political intentions and some radical elements was supported and implemented by the Greek government without hesitation.

At his second response, Valikanis affirmed that Greece treated and supported Muslim minority in Thrace in equal terms with other citizens. “Nobody can take advantage of problems and concerns of Muslim minority. They live with other Greek citizens in peace and under equal conditions. The Muslim minority benefits from prosperity and democratic values of European Union similar to other EU citizens” concluded Valikanis.

Habipoglu: Talking about a modern EU minority policy is not possible…

In response to statements of Valikanis, Halit Habipoglu, President of Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe, said that “Statements of Valinakis about the activities of the Turkish Consulate of Komotini do not reflect the truth. Contrary to the claims of Valikanis, neither the Lausanne Treaty nor any other policy that is in accordance with international standards is being implemented in Thrace. Greek authorities do not allow the ethnically rejected Turkish minority, to establish its own associations with “Turkish” name. Remember that in March 2008, European Court of Human Rights convicted Greece in the case of Turkish Union of Xanthi. Yet, suit filed by the Turkish Union of Xanthi to gain its legitimacy will be discussed on February 19th. Similar to the case of the Turkish Union of Xanthi, the Cultural Association of Turkish Women of the Region of Rodopi is not in the registered associations list despite the verdict of European Court of Human Rights that convicted Greece.”

Habipoglu also told that minority members had the right to participate politics on national and local levels, yet 3% election threshold made it impossible for the minority members to represent their rights at the national level. “Turkish Minority members also have problems in exercising their religious rights. New Foundation Law that regulates minority foundations’ management and “Promoted Imams Law” that was adopted without counseling the minority members constitute the main problematic areas. As for the minority education, Turkish minority members still do not have their own kindergartens despite the law that makes pre-school education obligatory. Thus, insisting on the existence of a modern European type minority policy will be naïve. Reports prepared by Greek-Helsinki Monitor and European Council clearly approve the human rights violations against Western Thrace Turkish minority.” stated Habipoglu.