Batı Trakya

CERD announced the Concluding Observations on Greece adopted at its 75th session

On 15 September 2009, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) released the Concluding Observations adopted at its 75th session held in Geneva from 8 to 28 August 2009.

Regarding the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace, the Committee notes that the Muslim minority in Western Thrace consists of the ethnic groups of Turks, Pomaks and Roma. In consideration of the fact that the Government of Greece is willing to ensure these persons’ right to use their own language, CERD wishes the measures taken for the protection of human and identity rights of these persons to be included in future reports.

In addition, the Committee points out its concerns regarding obstacles faced by some ethnic groups in exercising the freedom of association, and in this regard takes note of information on the forced dissolution and refusal to register some associations including the words such as “minority”, “Turkish” or “Macedonian”, as well as of the explanation of such refusal. The Committee recommends that Greece adopts measures to ensure the effective enjoyment by persons belonging to every community or group of their right to freedom of association and of their cultural rights, including the use of mother languages.

Furthermore, CERD notes its concerns about the alleged limited access to quality minority education for the Turkish speaking minority in Western Thrace. The Committe recommends that the Greek State improves the quality of education for the vulnerable ethnic groups and the Muslim minority, including through the training of teachers belonging to these groups, to ensure that there is a sufficient number of secondary schools, and to create pre-schools that teach in the mother tongue of their students.

Melek Kirmaci, member of ABTTF International Affairs and Lobbying Group and Pervin Hayrullah, member of the Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association, represented the Turkish Minority at the 75th Session of CERD that was held from 3 to 28 August 2009 and submitted the reports on the problems of the Turkish Minority of western Thrace to the Committee.

The Concluding Observations on Greece adopted at CERD’s 75th session can be retrieved here.