Batı Trakya

Turkey as the issue of early election debates

The dispute about Turkey became the issue of debates with regard to the early general elections which will take place in Greece on 4 Oktober 2009. On election posters or on live discussion programmes with all political party leaders, vivid discussions are arising related to the issue of Turkey in the Greek foreign policy and Greece’s attitude towards the relationship between Turkey and the European Union.

Turkey on LAOS’ election posters

According to the news published on the website of the periodical Rodop Rüzgari on 22 September 2009, the Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS) conveyed the debate about Turkey on election posters.* The statement “Turkey and Skopje are messing with us! Now know that it is Karatzaferis” is written on the election poster put up near the State Hospital of Komotini, according to the news. LAOS leader Georgios Karatzaferis, who is candidating for the region of Rhodope, is famous for his extrem national attitude and hostility towards Turkey, which he frequently expresses.

Turkey on TV live dicussion

During a live television debate programme on 21 September 2009, the issue of Turkey again appeared on the agenda of early general election disscussions between political party leaders. According to the news of daily Birlik, Kostas Karamanlis, Leader of New Democracy, George A. Papandreou, Leader of PASOK, Aleka Papariga, Secretary General of the Communist Party of Greece, Alexis Tzipras, Leader of the Coalition of Radical Left, Georgios Karatzaferis, Leaer of the Popular Orthodox Rally and Nikos Chryssogelos, Member of the Executive Committee of Ecologist Greens, answered the questions of six journalists.

With regard to the issue of Turkey, Karamanlis stated that “Greece supports the full membership of Turkey to the European Union if it fullfills all obligations towards the EU”. Papandreou, however, accused the Government of New Democray of taking no action with regard to the problem of the Aegean continental shelf, and of granting concession over the veto right on the issue of Cyprus.

Karamanlis and Papandreou on live broadcast

On 22 September 2009, Karamanlis, Leader of New Democracy Party, and Papandreou, Leader of PASOK, also evaluated the relationships between Turkey and Greece, and the Turkey – European Union relationships during a live broadcast open session on TV. While Karamanlis pointed out that “in case of fullfilling all the necessary obligations, Greece supports the full membership of Turkey to the EU”, Papandreou criticized the Goverment’s attitude in foreign policy and stated “We finally have to solve the long-term problems that interfere with our sovereignty. In recent years, we have not succeeded. Turkey’s violations and provocative attitude in the Aegean continues”.

With regard to the topic, Halit Habipoglu, President of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), stated that “The fact that Turkey becomes an issue of foreign policy during the early general election debates shall be regarded as a matter of course. On one side, the relationships between Turkey and Greece present a long history, but on the other side it also includes problems and prejudices. In this case, while the issue of Turkey remains a sensitive point for the Greek people, it unfortunately is also used as election material by political parties. But LAOS, known for its extreme national attitude, has developed its election campaign against Turkey and this case is increasing and dangerously escalating the current political tension in Western Thrace.”