Batı Trakya

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights launched its 2011 Annual Report

The report covers fundamental rights situation in the 27 EU Member States and Croatia

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) launched its 2011 Annual Report. In the report which provides information on the fundamental rights situations in the 27 EU Member States and Croatia, legislative and policy measures in the areas of victim protection, human trafficking and the integration of Roma are encouraged, while it is reminded how far the excesses of extreme intolerance can go if left unchecked. Furthermore, it is stated in the report that it must be ensured that prevailing economic weakness does not threaten the fulfilment of the fundamental rights of everyone in the EU, and the EU is asked to guarantee the fundamental rights more than ever.

The conditions in detention centres in Greece are inhuman and degrading

The report mentions that the situation of persons irregularly entering the EU’s external border between Greece and Turkey amounted to a fundamental rights emergency, it is stated that the total number of irregular migrants intercepted crossing the Greek-Turkish land border reached 55,017 persons in 2011. Furthermore, the report criticizes the Frontex’s mandate in Greece and expresses that conditions in detention centres in Greece are inhuman and degrading.

Although national legislation is in place, data on multiple discrimination is not collected in Greece

The report notes that national legislation in six EU Member States including Greece covers multiple discrimination, not always defined as such in the legislation, which tends to be limited to “dual” discrimination covering two grounds. The report expresses that in practice, national equality bodies record data relating to complaints of discrimination, that are lodged with them, under only one ground of discrimination. The report states that equality bodies in Greece do not collect data on multiple discrimination, although legislation on multiple discrimination is in place. Furthermore, it is stated in the report that in Greece, the law on transposing the non-discrimination directives does not explicitly prohibit multiple discrimination.