Batı Trakya

An Iraqi migrant killed in Greece

ABTTF President Halit Habipoğlu: If necessary precautions are not taken, the country might tumble into chaos

On 12 August 2012, an Iraqi migrant has been attacked in the capital city Athens. The migrant has been attacked on Anaxagora Street in the early hours of the morning, he was taken to a hospital but lost his life at the hospital.

According to police investigation, five suspects who are believed to be involved in the killing of Iraqi migrant attacked a Romanian and a Moroccan earlier, but managed to flee.

Golden Dawn members set fire a prayer room in Piraeus, beat up a Pakistani migrant

Attacks on immigrants have been on the increase in Greece. On August 10, on Friday night, a group which is believed to be members of Golden Dawn, attacked Muslims who were praying at the holy month of Ramadan in Piraeus. The assailants threw a gas bomb to the prayer room, small mosque which is used by Pakistani migrants at the Etolikou Street, while the Muslims were praying. The assailants beat up a Pakistani migrant when he tried to get out from the stairs, the migrant got injured.

President of Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe(ABTTF), Halit Habipoğlu said, “Xenophobia against migrant people has reached an alarming point in Greece. In period following the election of Golden Dawn to the Greek Parliament, xenophobia and intolerance in the country has become more amid with hate speech and hate-motivated attacks on migrants. In this precarious circumstances, the Greek Government should take necessary precautions; otherwise it is likely to live a chaotic environment over a larger area in the country where the economic crisis has had a great impact on people’s lives.