Batı Trakya

Golden Dawn supporters clash with police

ABTTF President Halit Habipoğlu: The spread of clashes into other cities may threaten the general security of the country

The police intervened in the protest led by Golden Dawn MP Efstathios Boukouras and Golden Dawn supporters who patrol the city of Corinth with the claim of “expelling the immigrants and protecting the Greek identity of the city”. In a clash with supporters of Golden Dawn, approximately a hundred of party members were taken into custody.

Vatan reported that Golden Dawn members organized a protest against the transfer of illegal migrants to the army camp in Corinth. The police intervened in the protest of Golden Dawn supporters armed with sticks and wrapped Greek flags and in a clash between the police and the protesting groups some Golden Dawn members were injured.

President of Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), Halit Habipoğlu said, “The increasing xenophobia and hate speech following the election of Golden Dawn to the Parliament have now got a dangerous dimension. In cities from where Golden Dawn got high votes, the protests of Golden Dawn members with the claim of expelling the migrants and protecting the Greek identity of the cities threatens the general security in the country. This further raises our concern that such clashes between the police and Golden Dawn supporters could spread into other cities in Greece.”