Batı Trakya

ABTTF at the 21st session of the UN Human Rights Council

ABTTF stated that there is a marked increase in hate-motivated attacks in the period after the election of Golden Dawn to the Greek Parliament

On 13-14 September 2012, Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF) participated in the 21st regular session of the UN Human Rights Council. Held in UN Geneva House between 10 and 28 September 2012, ABTTF International Affairs Director Melek Kırmacı and ABTTF Interna-tional Affairs and Lobby Group Member Funda Reşit attended to the 21st regular session.

ABTTF: Golden Dawn attacks against the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace created fear among the minority.

In the meeting at which agenda Item 3, promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development has been discussed, ABTTF stated that there is a marked increase in hate-motivated attacks against the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace in the period after the election of Golden Dawn to the Greek Parliament. In the meeting ABTTF International Affairs Director Melek Kırmacı reported the attacks by Golden Dawn supporters against Turkish Komotini Youth Union in August 2012.

ABTTF: Deep economic crisis fueled hostile attitude against immigrants and asylum seek-ers.

Prior to the meeting ABTTF has submitted a written statement to the UN Human Rights Council and noted that deep economic crisis in Greece deepened xenophobic violence against immigrants and asylum seekers.

ABTTF stated that far-right groups such as Golden Dawn has gained popularity and support among Greeks and noted that the political discourse has been toughened in the period after the election of Golden Dawn to the Parliament. ABTTF added that xenophobic discourse turned into an anti-Greek sentiment and triggered xenophobia and racially-motivated hate crimes in the country. ABTTF reported that hate-motivated attacks by Golden Dawn supporters and urged Greek authorities to take all necessary measure in order to combat violent hate crimes in the country.

The full text of the written statement submitted by ABTTF to the 20th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council is available at:
