Batı Trakya

Closure is announced for another 12 minority schools in Western Thrace

ABTTF President Halit Habipoğlu: The Greek Government should take into the autonomous status of the Western Thrace Turkish minority in terms of education hence, should act in conformity with it

Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs has decided upon a temporary closure of 12 minority schools, which belong to the Western Thrace Turkish minority, on the grounds of insufficient number of pupils. According to the decision published in the Official Gazette on 15 February 2013, to 12 Minority Schools, 7 out of which is in Xanthi, 4 in Rodopi and 1 in Evros no appointment will be made and their activities will temporarily be suspended.

7 Minority Schools in Xanthi, 4 in Rodopi and 1 in Evros will temporarily be suspended

According to Rodop Rüzgarı, a monthly journal in Western Thrace, the activities of the minority schools in Mursallı, Memkova, Para Mahallesi, Öksüzlü, Mıkmıllı, Yelkenciler, Yenice villages of Xanthi; Kuzüren, Manastır, Palazlı ve Yeniköy villages in Rodopi and Gürece village in Evros will be temporarily suspended. Unless there is an increase in the number of students, the respective school will gradually be closed down.

In 2011, Greece went for combined schooling for the sake of reducing expenditure and improving the quality of education at present schools. The outcome of this policy was a nation-wide reduction in the number of schools; from 1933 to 877, including 14 minority schools closed down in Western Thrace.

Following the decision in 2011 on the closure of 14 minority schools in Western Thrace, the number of schools in the region has been reduced to 174. The current decision of Greek Ministry of Education for temporary suspension of 12 minority schools in Western Thrace will further lower the number of the schools in the region down to 162.

Federation of Western Thrace Turks (ABTTF) President Halit Habipoğlu states on the issue: “The decision on the suspension of 12 minority schools on the grounds of insufficient number of pupils has been taken by Greek Ministry of Education with no consultation or exchange with the Western Thrace Turkish minority. Whilst the number of pupils attending the suspended minority schools ranks low, the decision on the closure is to be taken in consultation with the Western Thrace Turkish minority, whose education autonomy is guaranteed under the Lausanne Treaty. The number of minority schools, which belong to Western Thrace Turkish minority in Greece, is gradually decreasing for several reasons. The current decision proves the decision on the suspension of 12 minority schools is taken by Greece unilaterally. In reverse case; following the closure of their school for insufficient number of pupils, the Greek Orthodox minority in Istanbul requested a primary school in Imbros (Gökçeada), which has been well received and accepted by the Turkish Government.

ABTTF, in representation of the Western Thrace Turkish minority, calls on the Greek Government to adapt an inclusive approach towards the minority in decision-making process on matters which are in direct concern and interest of the minority itself. Upon the education, Greek Government shall take into account the minority’s autonomy in the respective field and shall give room to the discretion of minority in decision-making”.