Batı Trakya

The Mufti Question is on International Religious Freedom Report for 2012

ABTTF President: The report echoes Greek state policy while ignoring the minority’s stand on the issue

The U.S. Department of State, in its annual report on international religious freedom, reveals the historical Muslim minority living outside of Thrace region of Greece are not given the rights provided by Lausanne Peace Treaty. The report, stressing the difference in allocation of rights between Muslims living in Thrace and outside of Thrace, indicates that Muslims living on Dodecanese Islands assert they deserve the recognition and rights provided under the treaty.

Given their judicial competence in family law of Muslims, the Muftis are appointed by State

The report refers to election of “unofficial muftis” by certain parts of the Muslim minority, whereas others recognise the state-appointed Mufti. The report uncovers the appointment of the three muftis for 10 year of service in consultation with a committee composed of Muslim religious leaders, whereby the appointed muftis hold the right to make judicial decisions based on Sharia law and their decisions are ratified by the Courts of Thrace on a regular basis. The report affirms the right of Greek state to appoint muftis, who have judicial competences, as it does appoint judges.
The report informs about National Human Rights Committee, human rights organisations and some media commentaries call on Greek government to limit the powers of appointed muftis in Thrace to religious duties only. Besides, it is reported the state-appointed muftis appoint imams (Muslim religious clergy) for their duty in mosques.

2012 witnessed several anti-Muslim incidents

The report clearly indicates Golden Dawn as anti-Semitic and xenophobic political party, which secured seats in the Greek Parliament following the last national elections held on May 2012. In reference to high number of anti-Muslim incidents, the report specifies the graffiti painting on the walls of a Bektashi (Islamic Sufi order) tomb “The best Turk is the dead Turk” by vandal groups and the racist slogans in Muslim villages by Golden Dawn members on motorcycles.

Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF) President Halit Habipoğlu made a statement: “Despite the long awaited solution to the Mufti question, the International Religious Freedom Report of the U.S. Department of State only echoes the Greek state policy on the issue without taking into account minority’s opinion. ABTTF will nevertheless transmit the opinion of the minority to corresponding authorities through a parallel report.”

You can access the full report on: http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/irf/religiousfreedom/index.htm#wrapper