Batı Trakya

Problems of the minority associations dissolved on the grounds of bearing the word “Turk” in their titles has been reported to United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

A report on Greece’s persistent non-execution of European Court of Human Rights’ (ECtHR) decisions has been submitted to UNHRC

Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF) submitted a written statement on prob-lems of Western Thrace Turkish Minority’s freedom of association to the 23. Session of United Nations Human Rights Council

Having reiterated problems in Greece deny Western Thrace Turkish Minority the right to self-identification on collective basis, ABTTF uttered that Greece dissolved the associations bearing the word “Turk” in their titles and refused the petitions on re-establishment of the associations. ABTTF, having informed on Xanthi Turkish Union, Komotini Turkish Youth Union and Western Thrace Turkish Teachers Union closure in 1986 with a reasoning that there were no Turks in Greece, on the contrary the members of the Muslim Minority are Greek Muslims, reported that from then on no association bearing the word “Turk” in its title was authorised for official registry.

ABTTF informed on Greece’s non-execution of ECtHR decisions despite the five-year time period by providing details on the judicial procedure went through by the three associations, Xanthi Turk-ish Union, Cultural Association of Women of Rodopi and Evros Minority Youth Association, upon their lodging a case against Greece on violation of freedom of association in 2005 and resolution of the case in 2008, which stipulates their reestablishment.

ABTTF stated Greece perpetuates to violate freedom of association of the Western Thrace Turkish Minority by providing the example of Evros Minority Youth Association as though it bears only the word “minority” in its name it is dissolved and denied re-registry Stressing its international attempts for the resolution of the problem, ABTTF revealed Greece’s reluctant attitude to act though the case is revised by the Department for the Execution of Judgements of the ECtHR and the Commit-tee of Ministers. With regard to the case, ABTTF informed UNHRC on the latest event organised at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on 25 April 2013.

ABTTF reported on the problems and judicial procedure Cultural Association of Women of Rodopi and its President Hülya Emin and Xanthi Turkish Union and its President Ahmet Kurt went through in terms of non-execution of the ECtHR decisions, which were publicly discussed during ABTTF side event at PACE. Lastly, ABTTF called on Greek authorities to urgently execute the ECtHR decisions about Western Thrace Turkish Minority and asked for elimination of restrictions for the establishment of associations bearing the word(s) “Turk” and/or “Minority” in their titles.

You can access the written statement submitted to 23. Session of the UNHRC here: http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/G13/137/42/PDF/G1313742.pdf?OpenElement