Batı Trakya

Western Thrace Minority South Evros Education and Culture Association has been granted legal recognition!

ABTTF President Halit Habipoğlu: Following the decision of the Thrace Court of Appeal, in relation to dissolved associations on the grounds of bearing the word “Turk” and/or “Minority” in their titles, we expect Greece to implement the European Court of Human Rights’ (ECtHR) decision in due course.

Thrace Court of Appeal decided in favour on the appeal of Western Thrace Minority South Evros Education and Culture Association and recognised the association, which had previously in 2009, been refused to establishment and registry by Alexandroupolis Court of First Instance.

According local daily Rodop Rüzgarı, upon the Alexandroupolis Court of First Instance’s refusal of the registry of association on grounds that its name recalls a national minority whereas the respective minority is recognised only on religious grounds, the Western Thrace Minority South Evros Educa-tion and Culture Association has taken up the case to Court of Cassation.

Following the trial of the case at the Court of Cassation, it has been returned to Thrace Court of Appeal. With regard to the decision of the Court of Cassation, Thrace Court of Appeal eventually recognized Western Thrace Minority South Evros Education and Culture Association.

Second refusal to Cultural Association of Turkish Women of Rodopi from the Court of Cassation

According to daily, Gündem, the domestic legal process since 2008 with the ECtHR decision on the establishment and recognition of the Cultural Association of Turkish Women of Rodopi has come to an end. Appeal to Court of Cassation in the view of restoring the official status and recognition to Cultural Association of Turkish Women of Rodopi has again been refused.

ABTTF President: Greece should fully implement the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights!

Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF) President Halit Habipoğlu stated: “Re-garding the legal struggle carried on by Western Thrace Minority South Evros Education and Culture Association since 2009, the decision of the Thrace Court of Appeal is very positive. We hope that Greek authorities fully implement the decisions of the ECtHR on dissolved associations on the ground of bearing the word “Turk” in their names, Xanthi Turkish Union, Cultural Associa-tion of Turkish Women of Rodopi and Evros Minority Youth Association to the end of lifting obstacles for the respective associations to officially pursue their activities”.