Batı Trakya

Greece responds to Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) written statement submitted to United Nations Human Rights Council

Permanent Mission of Greece to United Nations Office at Geneva responded to written statement submitted by Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) to United Nations Human Rights Council held on 3-28 March 2014.

Greece: “Muslim Minority in Thrace is not an ethnic or national minority. It is a religious minority”

In the response of Permanent Mission on behalf of the Government Greece, it has been stressed that Muslim minority in Thrace is defined by its religious identity and this minority is not an ethnic or national one. Furthermore, in the answer it is alleged that the Muslim minority consists of different groups whose members are Greek citizens of Turkish, Pomak and Roma origin and cultural background.

Associations bearing the word “Turkish” in their titles

Regarding the associations dissolved due to the word “Turkish” in their titles, Permanent Mission answered on behalf of the Greek Government that three associations, Xanthi Turkish Union, Evros Minority Youth Association and Cultural Association of the Turkish Women of Rodopi, which European Court of Human Rights (EctHR) decided in favor, were denied official registry on the grounds that their statutes were incompatible with Greek legislation. The same answer since 2008 were again repeated in the response that Greek authorities are considering appropriate ways and means to implement ECtHR decisions on the dissolved associations.

Muslim charitable foundations

In relation to Muslim charitable foundations, Greece repeated its position that while additional ways are currently explored regarding the concerns expressed by some minority members, Muslim foundations used for charitable purposes are exempted from land and income taxes.


With regard to education, Greece pointed out while state continues to support minority schools, given the increasing preference of minority students to public schools, the public education system has been appropriately accommodated. Having emphasized the mandatory nature of pre-school education for pupils to attend primary school, Greece noted authorities have tried to accommodate the families whose children could not attend pre-school for justifiable reasons.

The Mufti issue

Having stated that there is no unique internationally set method for the election of Muftis, Greece justified given the judicial responsibilities Muftis exercise, the State involved the selection of the Muftis. Having noted that the State does not recognise “elected Muftis”, Greece claimed that despite signs of evidence of disrespect to existing legislation and often provocative attitude, the State does not obstruct their religious and other activities.

240 Imams Law

Explained under the rubrik of Muslim preacher, Greece, on 240 Imams Law, claimed that the respective legislation is generated as a forward lookin initiative by taking into account the increasing number of Minority students attending to public schools and that if they wish they can learn the Holy Koran in the public schools.

Having indicated the ongoing campaign that the legislation is an intervention to Minority’s religious freedom, Greece claimed that the respective campaign smacks political expediency and is misleading.

You can access the full statement of Greece in reponse to FUEN's written statement here: http://daccess-ods.un.org/TMP/7855672.24025726.html