Batı Trakya

Turkish Minority of Western Thrace took part in 2016 FUEN Congress

ABTTF President Halit Habip Oğlu was re-elected as FUEN Vice-president at the congress where Turkish minority was represented by ABTTF, WTMUGA and FEP Party who are the full members of FUEN

Turkish Minority of Western Thrace took part in the 61. Congress of FUEN that took place in Wroclaw/Breslau, Poland during 18-22 May 2016. Turkish minority was represented by Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association (WTMUGA) and Friendship Equality Peace (FEP) Party at the congress hosted by the the Association of the German Socio-Cultural Organisations in Poland (VdG). ABTTF President Halit Habip Oğlu, Vice-presidents Mehmet Hüseyin and Mustafa Kasap, K. Engin Soyyılmaz from ABTTF Head Office, Onur Mustafa Ahmet from WTMUGA and Attorney Sinan Kavaz from FEP Party attended the congress which hosted 150 representatives from 54 organisations in 27 European countries. The president of Rhodes, Kos and the Dodecanese Turks Culture and Solidarity Association (full member of FUEN) Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kaymakçı was also present at the congress. A new president was elected at the congress and ABTTF President Halit Habip Oğlu was re-elected as FUEN Vice-president.

ABTTF President Halit Habip Oğlu was re-elected as FUEN Vice-president at FUEN Board of Delegates

ABTTF President Halit Habip Oğlu was re-elected as FUEN Vice-president for a 3-year term at FUEN Board of Delegates after the elections held for FUEN Presidency Council composed of 7 members. Being a member of Hungarian minority in Romania, Loránt Vincze who is the vice-president of FUEN was elected as new President of FUEN and succeeded Hans Heinrich Hansen who has occupied this position for the last 9 years.

The draft resolution presented by the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace delegation composed of ABTTF, WTMUGA and FEP Party on the systematic violations by Greece of the educational and religious autonomy guaranteed by international treaties as well as the draft resolution on the problems of Rhodes, Kos and the Dodecanese Turks on education in mother tongue, religion, foundations and cultural properties were approved by the delegates votes.

Total number of FUEN members rises to 93

The association of the Cham minority in Albania and the one of Hungarian minority in Slovenia were approved as full members of FUEN while the statutes of International Society of Meskhetian Turks "Vatan” and Association of Meskhetian Turks in Azerbaijan "Vatan” were both upheld to full membership by the unanimity of FUEN Board of Delegates.
FUEN Congress in 2017 will be held in Cluj with the hosting of Hungarian minority in Romania.

As ABTTF board of directors, we sincerely congratulate ABTTF President Halit Habip Oğlu for be-ing re-elected as FUEN Vice-president restoring confidence.