Batı Trakya

Forest fires continue…

The forest fires continuing for 6 days between the region of Mora Peninsula and Island of Egriboz are still out of control. Up to now, number of people who died reached 64 and hundred thousands of people lost their homes. National mourning is declared throughout the country. Meanwhile, hundreds of villages were seriously damaged due to the fires.

Forest area of more than 250 thousand acres has been burned only in Island of Egriboz while 110 villages have been so badly damaged that they have the risk not to be shown in the map. Meanwhile, the fires have a total cost of more than 4bn Euro to the Greek economy.

Possibility of sabotage is on the table…

Officials said that 56 new fires had been started in the last 24 hours , in addition to 23 very dangerous fire fronts in Mora Peninsula and Island of Egriboz. Meanwhile, 7 suspects have been put in jail due to the high possibility of sabotage, considering the fact that the fires had been started at the same time at different locations.

Meanwhile, Greece PM Kostas Karamanlis reiterated the possibility of sabotage.

Halit Habipoglu offered his condolence to Greece….

Upon the continuation of catastrophe, Halit Habipoglu made a press release, offering his condolences to his country, Greece. Halit Habipoglu stated that that catastrophe damaged Greece so badly and he said “all of our citizens are being affected from that event in spiritual and material means”.

Habipoglu offered his deepest condolences to the ones who were affected from the catastrophe. He underlined the importance of solidarity in such though days and he continued “This catastrophe once again shows the importance of being together. That event hampers our country in every sense. We must maintain solidarity and help our people, who are the victims of that disaster. I offer my deepest condolence to my people”.

Meanwhile, the fires are still out of control, which in fact raises the concerns on the magnitude of the losses and evacuation of people from dangerous fire areas continues.