Batı Trakya

Spokesperson Grigoris Delavekouras: There are no significant problems regarding property rights in Greece

Grigoris Delavekouras, spokesperson for the Greek Foreign Ministry, stated that “I don’t know of any significant problems about property rights” with reference to the trust assets owned by the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace.

Delavekouras: “A positive step in a long road”

According to Today’s Zaman’s news, Delavekouras met journalists in a press conference held on 31 August 2011. Upon a question on Turkey’s recent decision to return trust assets to non-Muslim minorities, Delavekouras replied “we consider this as an obligation for Turkey” and added that the decision was a “positive one which could possibly heal the unfair actions carried out in the past”.

Delavekouras: There is no reciprocity when the issue is Human Rights

On 28 August 2011, Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmet Davutoğlu had stated that they wished their recent decision could setup an example for other Balkan states, particularly Greece, regarding the restoration of assets passed on from the Ottomans to the minorities who have now become the citizens of the countries they are living in. Upon reminded of Davutoğlu’s remarks, Delavekouras replied that reciprocity could not be an issue when it comes to Human Rights and added “Greece never speaks about issues concerning its own citizens with other countries”.

President Habipoglu: “We ask for the restoration of our rights, not reciprocity”

President of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), President Halit Habipoğlu issued a statement saying: “We recommend Mr. Delavekouras to conduct more research on the issue as he has stated that he does not know of any significant problems regarding the property rights in Greece. When he does, he will see that properties belonging to the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace have been nationalized or taken away via ill treatment. In addition, this issue cannot be delimited as just a human rights issue, as the status of the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace has been defined by international and bilateral treaties. Therefore, as the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace, we want the restoration of our minority rights defined by international and bilateral treaties”. President Habipoğlu continued by saying that “Mr. Delavekouras has described the step Turkey has taken as an obligation towards EU membership. I would like to remind him that EU member states are obligated by the same responsibilities on minority rights as are candidate states. Therefore, conditions requested from candidate states are on subjects that should have already been fulfilled by EU member states.”