Batı Trakya

Father Dositheos Anagnostopoulos: “God has sent us Muslim Erdoğan”

The Spokesman for the Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Father Dositheos Anagnostopoulos spoke to Atlas History Magazine published in Turkish and replied the questions of the magazine’s Editor in Chief Behice Tezkaçar. When asked about the restoration of the properties once belonging to the Greek Orthodox minority, Father Dositheos Anagnostopoulos replied: “there have been ongoing efforts for the last 3.5 years, and we knew that at some point it would bear fruit, however we did not think of it to be so soon. You would laugh if I told you what I feel. God has sent us Muslim Erdoğan”.

“We want Lausanne to be implemented”

According to Hurriyet’s news, Father Dositheos Anagnostopoulos also commented on the Halki seminary saying that the Turkish government wanted to interlink it with a university but as they were against it, the Patriarchate chose to shut it down. Due to the dress code in universities and the fact that there is mixed sex education system, he explained that they were against such an engagement. He also added he wished that the Lausanne Treaty would be implemented and the school may reopen with its former status under the Ministry of Education.

“The Patriarch is half way down the crucifix”

Upon reminded of Patriarch Bartholomeos’s words “We feel crucified in Turkey” which led to great dispute, Father Anagnostopoulos said that following the reopening of the Halki seminary, the Patriarch’s opinion would change completely and they believe that the government will help them. He concluded “Thus, we can say that the Patriarch could be considered half way down the crucifix”.

President Habipoğlu: As the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace, we want the restoration of our rights

President of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF), Halit Habipoglu, issued a statement saying: “The words of the Spokesman for the Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Anagnostopoulos are a clear sign of change of perception after the improvements in the field of minority rights. The attitude of the Turkish government towards the Greek Orthodox Minority in Istanbul is welcomed by the Patriarchate. Unfortunately, we cannot speak of a similar improvement in Western Thrace in Greece. The right for autonomy in religion and education granted by the Treaty of Lausanne has been usurped. Moreover, the Greek government is reluctant to engage in dialogue for any solution. In such a state, we can easily say that the ones crucified are the Turkish Minority of Western Thrace. We hope that Turkey’s sincere policies will set an example for Greece. However, we should underline that when asking for such a thing, it is not reciprocity we seek, but the restoration of our rights granted by international and bilateral treaties.”