Batı Trakya

Forum of the European Minorities – put the diversity of Europe into focus

On the initiative of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) and supported financially by the Danish Parliament – the Folketing, at this moment consideration is given and strategies are developed on how the minorities of Europe – known to comprise about 100 million people – can be better integrated, how more awareness for their importance can be raised and how their political influence can be enhanced.

In Berlin, in the permanent representation of the Free State of Thuringia a think-tank-meeting took place on 22 February 2012, with several minority experts, representatives of the European Commission, the Committee of the Regions, the Danish Sydslesvig-Udvalget, the German Bundestag (parliament), the think-tank of the Swedes in Finland – Magma, the European newspaper association MIDAS, the Land of Schleswig-Holstein, the regional office for the region Sønderjylland-Schleswig, FUEN-member organisations and the Youth of European Nationalities (YEN). The meeting was moderated by former Minister Dr. Jürgen Schöning, and Prof. Dr. Klaus Potthoff, former director of the SCHIFF Peace Research Institute.

The basis for the discussion in Berlin was a study elaborated by FUEN proposing the establishment of a “Forum of the European Minorities (FEM)”.

The think-tank participants had a discussion on possible tasks for such a “Forum of the European Minorities” based on the study. The idea for more integration and visibility of the minorities and more effective political lobbying in Brussels was welcomed by all the participants. A list of tasks was adopted and the next steps towards realisation were being discussed.

“The Forum of the European Minorities – the seat of which will be developed in Flensburg, where FUEN is located as well, will only be successful if we succeed in creating a powerful alliance of all actors on the European level. The Forum shall include all the regions of Europe that are interested and will in particular also ensure a strong representation in Brussels and Strasbourg. Therefore we invite all minority regions and representatives of majorities and the European institutions to develop our proposal together with us,” said FUEN-president Hans Heinrich Hansen after the meeting.

The think-tank will continue its work and also involve further cooperation partners. The think-tank decided to install a working group from its members, who will be in charge of the coordination of further steps.

Source: www.fuen.org