Batı Trakya

Controversial statements from Stilyanidis

ABTTF President Habip Oğlu: Events in Greece before European elections show that Western Thrace Turkish Minority is perceived and accepted as “the other” in Greece

New Democracy (NEA) Party Rodopi Deputy and former Minister of Education and Religious Affairs Evripidis Stilyanidis has given a reportage to Greek daily Elefteros Tipos on 27 April 2014. Stilyanidis' statements regarding the Western Thrace Turkish Minority received big reactions.

According to Birlik, a daily of Western Thrace Turkish Minority, Stilyanidis affirmed the necessity to introduce new regulations to country's administrative structure on the grounds that the municipalities have been Islamised especially when the examples of Maroneia and Iasmos were taken into account. Further to this point, Stilyanidis suggested the municipalities in Western Thrace, which were predominantly run by the Western Thrace Turkish Minority shall be redistributed to those which were run by Christians.

Inhis reportage, Stilyanidis assessed Friendship, Equality, Peace Party's (FEP) taking part in the European elections on 25 May 2014 and accused the FEP Party of being a racist political party.

Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF) President Halit Habip Oğlu said “The statements of New Democracy Deputy Stilyanidis in relation to demographic structure of Western Thrace, its participation in local administration and the political representative of FEP Party's participation in European elections are very unfortunate, though not surprising. Comments regarding the candidacy of members of Western Thrace Turkish Minority from different political parties in Greece and FEP Party's participation at the European elections manifest the fact that Western Thrace Turkish Minority in Greece is perceived and accepted as “the other”. Corrosive statements about candidates and accusations along with Stilyanidis' statement impeaching Minority's political party racist are concerning for Minority members, who are Greek citizens and hold equal rights to participate in governance of this country, and in contrast with the spirit and principles of democracy.